93. Brian Rubinow – The Unprecedented “You Should HATE Wrestling” Special


IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING. After nearly 100 episodes, Stephen finally gets his day in the sun where he has carte blanche to bring in a fellow hater, all in an effort to try to convince Nick and the YLSW Universe that “You Should HATE Wrestling”! To do this, he enlists the help of writer, comedian and former-fan-turned-hater Brian Rubinow (Fat Wolf Comedy, The Night Cap with Stacy Rumaker). Brian talks about the match that made him tune out: the Hell in a Cell Title vs. Career match between Triple H and Cactus Jack from WWF No Way Out 2000. Plus, in the spirit of the episode, Nick finally shows Stephen the thing he hates the most: the rightfully maligned 2002 Katie Vick saga from WWF including the full buildup, in-ring segments and the infamous, barftastic “Triple H dresses up as Kane and screws a dummy” segment. Stephen would like to note, Brian is in no way a wrestling hater. He’s a wrestling fan who didn’t like the booking of a match, which is not the same thing.


For full show notes, including links to watch matches, go to BoardwalkAudio.com/YouShouldLoveWrestling

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