87. Nick Pettigrew – WeeLC: El Torito vs Hornswoggle at WWE Extreme Rules 2014


This week, the boys welcome actor, writer and comedian Nick Pettigrew (Hooch @ Nerdist) to talk all about a match that Nick Gligor has wanted to show Stephen for a while now: the famous 2014 gimmick match and spotfest known as WeeLC – aka the completely miniaturized version of a TLC match that pitted 3MB’s pal Hornswoggle against Los Matadores’ bull buddy El Torito. Also, discussions about the little people portraying the commentators, referee and ring announcer. Plus, Nick G. uses this match as a jumping off point to examine the later and current singles career transformations of 3MB members Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre, including their quests for gold, recognition, redemption and the eventual championship runs they would all receive. Then, a VERY SPECIAL look at Slater’s trailer park life and Rhyno’s love for cheese in a can and crackers!


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