83. Jesse Klein II – TLC II: Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz


Jesse Klein takes a break from his endless quest to find the meaning of jazz to try to convince Stephen to love wrestling with the match that’s meant to steal the show, TLC II: Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz from WrestleMania X-Seven. Jesse points out all the great set up being done in this match how it’s true team work the whole way through, which includes the story of Edge’s balls getting destroyed. Seriously. And, Stephen admits to being super impressed with the Dudley Boyz entrance, until he realizes that Bubba Ray Dudley is just Will Sasso. Plus, Nick brings back some of our favorite characters, Kid in a Bag, Larry The Cable Guy Stuck in a Vent, and Toilet Fish. Plus we talk about Mae Young going through a table which causes an uncomfortable to watch Dudley orgasm. Plus, we watch a second clip where William Regal screams defending that poor boy. And Stephen that gives a rating that makes everyone go WOAHHH!


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