69. Cameron Rice – Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt in a House of Horrors Match from WWE Payback 2017


This week, Joey is out on assignment and the boys needed a knowledgeable guest to help out, so they welcome their pal Cameron Rice (Hyper RPG on Twitch, Tiny Muscles) back to the show to talk all about WWE’s ridiculous “House of Horrors” match from Payback that pitted “The Viper” Randy Orton against perennial spookster Bray Wyatt. Also, everyone has a good laugh talking about topics from Jim Ross and Steve Austin’s podcasts which piques Stephen’s interest but also confuses him. Then, Nick proposes his need to pass on the misery that is D-movie “Dark Harvest 2: The Maize” to Cameron. Plus, the neverending conversation about Bray Wyatt’s mishandled booking in WWE continues.


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