65. RequestleMania IV – MORE Fan Requested Matches!


The Ultimate Thrill Ride “WrestleMania” may have come and gone, but the ultimate CHILL ride is just beginning: it’s REQUESTLEMANIA IV! The boys take a break from guests and chill out to once again discuss fan requested matches sent in by YSLW listeners! First, Joey and Nick show Stephen a clip of Chikara’s Mike Quackenbush delivering an all-out sermon about “The Art of Pro Wrestling” at Ignite Philly 16, which leads to a discussion about comments sections, Superman and logical fallacies. Next, the boys watch Brock Lesnar destroy John Cena for the WWE Championship in “convincing fashion” as Summerslam 2014. Also, everyone discusses an old British World of Sport match pitting Johnny Saint against a mullet-ed Fit Finlay. Plus, Stephen accidentally types in GoFuckMe.com in his browser window.

For full show notes, including links to watch matches, go to BoardwalkAudio.com/YouShouldLoveWrestling
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