49. Justin Donaldson – The Montreal Screwjob Pt. 2: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret “The Hitman” Hart


Rumble Week continues, and Justin Donaldson (UPROXX, Tournament of Nerds at UCB) is back for a Part 2 to elaborate on yesterday’s episode, this time discussing the actual WWF Championship match at Survivor Series 1997 between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart that ended in the “Montreal Screwjob”. Along with Joey and Nick, Justin tries to stress Bret Hart’s character strengths to Stephen, particularly the integrity he always strived for and, for the most part, maintained throughout his career. Plus, everyone takes a look at Bret Hart’s return to the WWE and whether or not his 2010 reconciliation with Shawn Michaels live on Raw seems genuine to both parties. Also, passionate thoughts on Brian Pillman, the Owen Hart tragedy, Vince McMahon, WCW, WWE’s rewriting of history, “Wrestling With Daddy” and much, much more!


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