27. Matthew Brian Cohen – Bryan Danielson vs. Takeshi Morishima from Ring of Honor Manhattan Mayhem II (8.25.07)


This week, the boys welcome Matthew Brian Cohen (Lifescrapers: Tall Stories of American Lives, Cool Shit/Weird Shit at UCB) to the show to discuss a match that he saw in person: the 2007 Ring of Honor Manhattan Mayhem II bout that pitted Bryan Danielson against Takeshi Morishima in what many called the Match of the Year. Then, the conversation gets heated when Joey and Nick show Stephen the clip where Vader’s eye pops out of its socket during a match with Stan Hansen – a thing that Stephen absolutely refuses to believe happened. Also, everyone sings Daniel Bryan’s praises and reflects on how over he and the “Yes!” chant were (and still are) in WWE. Plus, Stephen tries to get everyone to like Poke from LA’s Ohana Poke.

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