24. Ty Matthews – Kota Ibushi vs. El Generico vs. Nick Jackson vs. Jigsaw from CHIKARA King of Trios 2009


This week, the boys welcome Championship Wrestling from Hollywood’s own “First Progenitor of Hyperoptimism” Ty Matthews (Smosh, Afterbuzz TV) to the show to discuss the CHIKARA Four-way elimination match between Kota Ibushi, El Generico, Nick Jackson and Jigsaw from King of Trios 2009. Then, Nick announces the Kickstarter he’s starting for whatever “Butthole Waveform” is, while resident ‘Dallion-head Joey invites all Juggalos to come on the show. Plus, a plethora of new recurring characters are introduced, including Pocket Ted Cruz and Kid in a Bag. Also, Ty shows off the Percy Pringle III Memorial Cup and Stephen tries to get everyone to like Zeiss lens cleaning wipes.


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