22. Cameron Rice – The Rock vs Mankind: I Quit Match from Royal Rumble 1999 for the WWF Championship


In the second installment of “3 Matches of Foley”, the boys welcome Cameron Rice (Geek and Sundry, Tiny Muscles, The Pack Theater) to the show to discuss The Rock and Mankind’s I Quit Match for the WWF title from the 1999 Royal Rumble – a match famous for Mick Foley’s 11 brutal, unprotected chairshots to head. Also, Stephen gets his first inside look at what Foley’s family was thinking when Nick and Joey show him the backstage footage of this match seen in the documentary “Beyond The Mat”. Then, everyone gets real while discussing concussions, health, upbringing, youth, high school and Shawn Michaels’ Playgirl spread for good measure. Plus, Joey declares he can take a bullet, Stephen tries to convince everyone to like cologne and Cummy Ray Romano shows up.


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