35. YSLW Goes to Lucha VaVOOM! (10.26.16)


The rumors are true and the unthinkable has happened: Stephen went to his very first ever real, live wrestling event – and HE got the tickets! Joey and Nick were there to witness history as the boys all head off to see Lucha VaVOOM live at the Mayan Theater in Los Angeles. Everyone shares their thoughts on the matches that featured wrestlers like Joey Ryan, Rey Horus, El Presidente, The Crazy Chickens and more. Then, the boys break down the other elements of the show including the comedy bits, the musical performances, the circus-like spectacle and the VaVOOM itself: the burlesque acts! Plus, the boys announce their plans for YSLW Pro, a new live wrestling federation that they’re honest-to-God buying a real Championship belt for.

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