Stephen Perlstein + A Beautiful Day for a Wine Wedding!


It’s first episode of The Whine Situation with Boardwalk Audio! And we are now sponsored by Gregory Condes Wines! Stephen Perlstein, the benevolent podcast dictator of our new network is getting married so we popped some true bubbly, a Pascal Lallement Brut Premier Cru from Chamery, to celebrate/commiserate over the whine-inducing wedding planning!

Before digging in, Shaughn and Ellen share the Hip Sip Tips. Shaughn blind-tasted Aligoté and Ellen tasted a LOT of wines at the Veritas Imports tasting.

We give a brief history of how champagne was invented, then get into how it was made. Stephen learns that Cremant is French for “fake-ass Champagne” and that the bubbles are deemed yeast farts.

Wedding woes include everything from choosing a good date to picking a wedding cake.

A Chelsea Handler tale is told too! PSA: NO ONE wants to be in a studio audience.

The lightning round covers what RM stands for, who Dom Perignon was and what a punt is plus why it is important for champagne!