Dana Farner & Learning-ing Wines!


The episode kicks off with hip sip tips! Ellen has been getting into aged sparkling wine—a 2004 bottle of Roederer Estates l’Ermitage recently took her fancy!

David, meanwhile has come to embrace the greatness of pineapple, particularly in the kombucha he makes.

The guest is Dana Farner, who works for Massanois, an importer/distributor and carries an advanced sommelier pin!

She brought two sparkling rosé wines—one a dry Lambrusco and the other from the Marché made of the Lacrima grape.

The conversation is wide ranging. Between Dana’s days doing improv and musical theatre in New York and her days somm-omg around town in Los Angeles she has acquired so much knowledge which she is always happy to share. Tune in for debates on turmeric and cats if nothing else.