Candy Washington and Powerful Wines!


There’s booze homework this week! Shaughn and Ellen want to know what the weirdest/most obscure thing you’ve ever had to drink. Tag us on instagram @thewinesituation or email what it was to!

This week Candy Washington (Sugar Pills) joins Shaughn and Ellen to share some spirit fingers, day-drink a nice Schiava, talk about seizing the day and kicking ass!

Candy recalls her first wine being a Pinot Grigio but is digging a buttery Chard these days. She also shares her vodka chocolate cocktail! And they find out what everyone’s butter situation is, which leads to dragging David into the fray for some hot snail talk too. So there’s that. Eh…what they get to is that we should all spend more time hanging with drunken monkeys. Blame the Schiava.