Ant Hines and who the F knows Wines!


Anthony Hines (Producer/writer of Sacha Baron Cohen productions) joins us for some freeform whines! And since he rebelled against telling us his whine in advance, we paired it with a rebel wine aka a Super Tuscan (Cab/Sangiovese Tuscan vino) from sponsor Gregory Condes. The wine is “La Massa” which is a Super Tuscan! A wine that stepped outside the rules of Tuscany.

The hip sip tip from Ellen is going to Prizon, a K-town bar where she enjoyed fries and soju drinks that taste like Dimetapp in the best way. Shaughn’s hip sip tip is a whisky (moonshine) his chums Bob and Becky made in California.

The whines are freeform and start in with Ellen’s women-in-comedy whines. Then they all cheers fuck Trump.

Anthony dishes on writers’ round tables, the homemade wines from back home across the pond, and the terror of home-brewed dead bodies in Lake Hollywood.

Gossip goes into the Royal fam back in England, from upcoming nuptials to the Queen-mum’s drinking rituals.

Things go on to the Scientologist’s schemes and driving dinner parties in the UK. It is all about the party.

The lighting round covers where Super Tuscans came from, where sparkles in the UK come from, what the hell Claret is and what Rioja is. Pour a drink an get into it!