90 – The Holiday MEAT-Tacular – Best Slabs of 2017 – Part 1


2017 was a big year for The MEAT. We put out over 50 episodes with over 100 guests. The boys took a choo choo train from Los Angeles to NYC and put on 10 live shows in 9 cities along the way. We had our lover’s month in February featuring real live couples and most importantly, we had some really fun shows. This episode features 10 of our favorite scenes from the year with guests like Ian Roberts, Heather Anne Campbell, Lauren Adams, Abra Tabak, Adam Frucci, Joel Spence, Lydia Hensler, Edgar Momplaisir, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ellie Kovara, Julia Meltzer, James Mastraieni, Dhruv Uday Singh, Jacquis Neal, Lauren Robertson, Jessica Uhler, Greg Gallant, Rachael Mason, Allie Jennings and Mia Schauffler! We cover everything from Protestants to James Bond to Pennywise the clown to sphincters. Thanks for such a great year, and look forward to Part 2 with more of our favorite scenes coming next week. Lastly, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a nice rating and review in the iTunes store. Happy holidays.