67 – Susan Messing & Emily Fightmaster in “Methods & Meth Heads” (Recorded live at The Annoyance in Chicago)


Susan Messing (The Annoyance, Messing with a Friend) and Emily Fightmaster (Second City, The Annoyance) join Josh and Jake for a night at the Annoyance Theater. They start off with a discussion about the methods taught at the UCB Theater and The Annoyance theaters. Josh gets called a bitch with skinny thighs.

Then Emily tells a true story about a time she took “good speed” in Europe and had a big time comedown in Barcelona. Susan talks about being with her dad as passed away, and a supernatural experience she had during that time. These true stories inspire improvised scenes about a new brand of Tab soda by Emily, a newscast gone horribly wrong, a dying man who will never get an oyster and more!