62 – LIVE in Phoenix at The Torch with Jose Gonzalez & Jacque Arend in “Drinking, Driving and Almost Dying”

Live at the Torch Theatre in Phoenix, The Meat makes their first stop on #meattraintour17 to play with the Torch’s own Jose Gonzalez and Jacque Arend. Jacque tells a story about a DUI and her short stay in Tent City and Jose Gonzalez tells us about a brush with death and a miraculous recovery. These true stories inspire scenes about Toy Story cops, Tent City riots, suspicious trout ties, ketchup casualties, new Coke and more! The MEAT is touring the U.S. via train all of JUNE 2017. If you live near Austin, San Antonio, New Orleans, Chicago, DC, Philadelphia or NYC get tickets for shows and info for improv workshops at www.boardwalkaudio.com/meattrain