Jozef Fahey (Parks and Recreation, UCB’s Jetset) & Michelle Thompson (UCB’s Possum, Vulnerable) are stalwarts of the improv scene in Los Angeles and today they are on The MEAT! First we discuss Josh’s revolutionary lunch and Jake’s birthday dinner. Then Joe shares a truly insane story about a time he got high and then had to try and save a man’s life. Michelle talks about a recent run in with her rescue dog’s former owner and the awkwardness that ensued. These true stories inspire improvised scenes about ordering Lobster Bisque at a brothel, 911 terms and conditions, going full Hasselhoff at the pool and a whole lot more! If you like the show and would like to support us, you can do just that and gain access to our 2nd weekly podcast The Potatoes all about improv theory and technique as well as our Discord channel.
Home The MEAT Improv with Josh Simpson and Jake Jabbour 193 – Jozef Fahey & Michelle Thompson in “Bad Trips & Good...