177 – Marcus Folmar & Heather Woodward in “Bad Auditions & Car Collisions”


This week on The MEAT Marcus Folmar (The Big Bang Theory, Shameless) and Heather Woodward (Just Roll With It, Adult Stuff) join the show to recount some of their lowest moments. Heather starts us off with a true story of a time she was asked to “jam” in an audition where she couldn’t play the piano. Then Marcus tells a story of a time he got his car up to 100 mph and flipped it on a desolate road. These true stories inspire improvises scenes about weird 7-Elevens in Big Bear, Men in Child Suits, Defective Products and a whole lot more. If you enjoy The MEAT check out our patreon page at www.patreon.com/themeatimprov to get a weekly bonus episode discussing improv technique and theory with Jake and Josh!