Will Hines and Billy Merritt have been teammates on legendary teams like The Stepfathers and The Smokes, and now they have come together to co-author a book called “Pirate Robot Ninja: an Improv Fable” about using your strengths and improving your weaknesses to become a complete improviser aka a ninja. Confused? That’s fine, because Billy and Will explain the concept right here in this episode. Then Billy shares a story about bartending for the likes of Ethan Hawke and Johnny Ramone in New York City. Then Will tells a story about a recent trip to Europe and how he spent most of it indoors playing God of War. These true stories inspire improvised scenes about self help gurus, throat rippings, needy punk bands and a whole lot more! Don’t forget to check out our extra weekly podcast called The Potatoes all about improv inside baseball. Billy and Will stick around to talk shop on www.patreon.com/themeatimprov
Home The MEAT Improv with Josh Simpson and Jake Jabbour 169 – Will Hines & Billy Merritt in “Pirates, Robots, Ninjas, Bartenders...