144 – Best of 2018 Slabtacular Part 2


2018 was our best year yet! We toured Europe, we hit 100 episodes, we had some great guests with incredible stories and some really fun scenes. These are some of our most favorite and requested scenes of the year featuring the talents of Paul Rust, Michael Cassady, Kimia Behpoornia, Talia Tabin, Mikey Stephens, Hannah Garces, John McInnes, Monty Sheikh, Joe Hartzler, Jack Allison, Don Fanelli, Laura Wilcox, Hillary Anne Matthews, Greg Giebel, James Mannion, Victoria Longwell, Mike Leffingwell, Ben Siemon, Heather Alcaron Higginbotham and Anna Salinas! We’ll be back next week with a brand new episode to kick of 2019.