116 – Ryan Meharry & Mark Rennie in “Boars & Ghoulies”

Ryan Meharry (Bangarang!, Black-ish) and Mark Rennie (Gay of Thrones, All Access Avery) were once teammates on a UCB sketch team called Goodman, but today they are improvising together on The MEAT. First we talk about Ryan’s project Fantasy Flix League and the movies that haunted us as children like The Candyman and The People Under the Stairs. Then Mark shares a story about a time he accidentally ran over a boar on set, and Ryan talks about a good deed he tried to do on election night that ended up blowing up in his face. Then we do improv about the writer of the Ghoulies horror franchise, a horny bunch of superheroes, an office worker who doesn’t know anybody’s name and a whole lot more!