1. Bennie Arthur and the Noisy Neighbors


SKEETER IS MISSING! She was last seen on ‘Muppet Babies,’ but never as an adult Muppet with the rest of the Muppet gang. What happened to her? Hosts Matt Manser and Eileen Mary O’Connell want answers, so they have vowed to watch each and every episode of Muppet Babies in order, and look for clues as to what could’ve led to her disappearance.

This week, Bennie Arthur joins us on our mission. We all know him from Comedy Central’s ‘Drunk History,’ or as the voice of Spedacular Donkey on the Disney XD‘s ‘Pickle and Peanut’…but what we DON’T know is IS SKEETER SAFE? IS SHE ALIVE?!?!? The three of us watched the very first episode of Muppet Babies (“Noisy Neighbors”), and discuss how Skeeter might’ve been arrested, sent to the Twilight Zone, caught the break dancing bug, and more!

This episode was mentioned in Splitsider