Greg Nix Talks S2E2 “The Stakeout”


Greg Nix (Ducksnort) joins the podcast to dive deep in the Parks and Recreation joy. Alyse admits Mark and Anne’s dating is kinda cute, which Greg happily backs up even saying he has a soft spot for Paul Schneider. And, we all admit to sneaking out of our houses, except Greg, who it turns out, was a good kid. Also, we found out Alyse is the Jerry/Larry/Gary of her office. And, Alyse admits to crashing Stephen’s birthday party when they met, Stephen recounts more than a few Friends episodes, and Greg embodies Chris Traeger in our TRAEGER WARNING!

Season 2, Episode 2 – The Stakeout  Written by Rachel Axler, directed by Seth Gordon

Pawnee Murals – Illustration by Phil Noto with a  piece called swivel.

Good Government New Clear Air Action plan out of Los Angeles will move towards the goal of zero emissions with zero emissions cargo handling equipment by 2030, and zero emissions trucks by 2035