Chase McCown talks “The Little Hours” (2017) – Bonus 2


It’s a special BONUS EPISODE on the 2017 Feature Film “The Little Hours” starring Alison Brie, Aubrey Plaza, and Kate Micucci. We’ve decided it’s important for us to cover when the Parks cast does movies, And, to help us do it, we brought on Chase McCown  (The Bitter Waiter, Brunch). We cover what we think of the movie beat by beat, from the early scenes with Nick Offerman, to the middle where there’s a LOT of sex, all the way to the ending with a harrowing escape. Needless to say, there are spoilers. And, Stephen says a sentence that should never be said when talking about the trailers before the movie, Chase brings some historical knowledge about the use of the letter Z instead of S, and Alyse notes we see a LOT of bush in this movie, but not one goddamn dick!