Alison Becker talks S1E3 – “The Reporter”


Alison Becker aka Shauna Malwae-Tweep (Parks and Recreation, VH1’s Top 20 Video Countdown, Kroll Show) is on the show! Today, we’re talking Parks and Recreation S1E3 “The Reporter” where Leslie invites a reporter to cover the Pit to Park project. Alison gives us a special I Love You and I Like You moment from BEHIND THE SCENES! And we play some games where we practice staying on message just like Leslie does. Plus, we talk about some good government news, pitch some ideas for Tom’s companies, and laugh a LOT! Take an iPad on your way out.


Season 1, Episode 3 – The Reporter   Written by Dan Goor, directed by Jeffrey Blitz, original Air Date April 23, 2009