20. Evil Twins W/ Travis Coles: “Crotch Looks Like A Dancer’s Foot”

S10 E11: Drag Race is back and we’re recapping per usual. We’re talking about inner saboteurs. The boys welcome very special guest Travis Coles (Liza On Demand, Superstore.) We talk busy schedules, goodwill bins, and bidets. Travis gives his insight on being a gay comedian in LA and working with other gay comedians. Azaleia Banks gets called out by Bob and Monet. CUCU got a clean bill of health. Willam spilled the T to Leslie Jones. Getting into the episode the boys talk about that weird ass pancake challenge. What’s wrong with Cheyenne Jackson?! Asia goes in hard on Miz Cracker. Was Miz Cracker’s elimination justified? Kameron just wasn’t bringing her full personality and the boys have had enough. We also talk about the very problematic Lena Dunham. Get into it!