13: The Bossy Rossy Show W/ Haley Hepworth: “Kids of the Seniors?”


S10 E5 Honey your host are ready to get into all the talk show drama from the Bossy Rossy talk show, but first they need to invite guesy Hayey Hepworth and also cover all the latest drama with Robbie Turnter and her mysterious dead Uber driver. We theorize on why Robbie would lie and what kinds of things drag queens can get away with that stand-ups can’t. Your hosts talk about the straight military propaganda that was the mini challenge and how the U.S. government is trying kill the gays (jk Kimora). The hosts love the improv challenges and welcome Ross Matthews growing presence. Denim and diamonds was voted a weird runway theme and struck a chord with Nicholas who remembers his senior year yearbook theme was black ties and denim (that’s a party theme!) Also according to Haley Chad predicted Henny was going to be a big thing. Find out our looks and performance breakdowns by giving it a listen. Get into it!