52. Good Pilots, Creative Recovery, And Overcoming Obstacles with Joseph Kibler

Hello And Good News

Hello! And Good News! This week I have on guest Joseph Kibler who is an actor, producer and improviser. Joseph also has a feature length documentary entitled Walk On, which follows Joseph’s own story having been born disabled and HIV positive. He was told he would never walk or live past four years old and Walk On follows him training, at age 21, to walk 6.2 miles in the LA AIDS Walk. Joseph is an incredible person and performer we sat on his big red couch and talked all about:  

  • Julio Canales, a Delta pilot who is using his own plane to fly to Puerto Rico and deliver care packages and aid as well as medical evacuation flights for those affected by Hurricane Maria.
  • The city of San Diego just reached it’s goal of housing 1,000 homeless veterans. They are now focussing on finding long term housing for another 1,000 homeless in the next 15 months.
  • Restoration Station, is more than just an upcycled furniture store. It a non-profit social enterprise run by an addiction recovery charity that helps those recovering learn new skills, establish a routine and have a creative outlet. They are showcasing furniture designed by recovering addicts at The London Design Festival this month.
  • Animal Corner features a giant puppy mill rescue! 117 animals were rescued from a puppy mill warehouse that was shut down in Dallas.
  • Joseph is from Brooklyn, NY and his hometown was the first home base of Fighting Pretty, a non-profit started by cancer survivor Kara Skaflestad. Kara puts together inspiring care packages and sends them cost free to women who are currently fighting cancer.

Joseph and I wrap up the episode talking about his own very inspiring story from his childhood, to making the documentary, to present day living. We also talk about overcoming obstacles and living in the now. Two of my favorite themes on the podcast.  You can find Josephs documentary on Amazon Prime or itunes. Also, look out for him on an upcoming episode of Criminal Minds!


Follow Joseph on instagram @jkibler17

Follow Jospeh on twitter @josephkibler

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