36. Lose The Mirrors With Naomi Villa

Hello And Good News

This week on the podcast to talk good news is guest Naomi Villa! Naomi is on the UCB Harold Team DIRT. She also produces one of the very best indie shows in town Boss Jr. Presents with her team Boss Jr. She has a great podcast called “Let’s Fall In Love”. You can find it on itunes or wherever you like to download your podcast.

This week Hannah and Naomi talk about.

  • Three high school girls who invented a drinking straw that can detect the date rape drugs!
  • A family that won millions in the lottery and used their earnings to start a foundation dedicated to helping others.
  • 100 Suits for 100 Men, a non-profit in New York City that is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated individuals, homeless individuals, former gang members and survivors of domestic violence navigate to a place of economic freedom. Their core service is to provide free business attire to men and women who are in the job search process.
  • Shelter House, a homeless shelter in Ontario, Canada received a $10,000 donation from a former resident.
  • Naomi’s hometown is Santa Rosa and they have an amazing women’s shelter and Community Action Program all started by the same woman, Eddie Mae Sloan!
  • Animal Corner this week is not to be missed, you must go see Erin Einbender’s bedazzled “Cones of Fame” project for the animal shelter.

Good News Later!