33. Step Into The Rainbow With Zander Frost

Hello And Good News

This week on the podcast we have Zander Frost! Zander is hilarious and a joy. You can find him performing around Los Angeles with his UCB Mess Hall team Trish. This week Zander and I talk about:

·      Two lifelong friends, Justin and Patrick, who just travelled the 500-mile long European trail, Camino de Santiago. What makes this story amazing is that Justin is in a wheelchair and has lost the ability to use his arms and legs. The two didn’t let Justin’s disability stop them from achieving his dream of seeing the trail, and Patrick pushed him on foot the entire way!

·      The cutest pair of elderly twins who celebrated their 100th birthday with the best photo shoot ever!

·      An amazing woman, Alyce Knaflich, who founded a non-profit to house homeless women veterans. Alyce is a veteran herself who servd for 19 years. She suffered from PTSD after her service and spent 10 years struggling with homelessness. Now she is opening Aura Home in North Carolina to help other women in need. There is currently a gofundme to help raise the rest of the funding needed!

·      California just broke its energy record! 80% of the states power was generated with renewable energy this week!

·      Zander is from Glen Falls, NY and they just held a climate change rally with over 700 people who turned out. There is also a great non-profit in the nearby county called Rebuilding Together that focuses on rebuilding and improving low-income housing and communities.

Follow Zander on Twitter and Instagram @zanderhfrost!