32. Charts and Graphs with James Mastraieni

Hello And Good News

This week’s guest is James Mastraieni. James is on the UCB main stage team Outside Dog. James is also a fellow podcast host! He has a great podcast I listen to all the time called I’m Too Effing High. He brings on fellow comedians and tries to answer the question each week, are comedians funnier when they’re high. And I will give a hint. It’s very, very funny.

James and I talk about a lot!

  • A police officer of the Atlanta Police Department ended up truly protecting and serving when he got a shoplifting call. A 12-year-old girl had been caught stealing a pair of shoes for her sister, because her family couldn’t afford them. The officer drove her home, bought the family-of-seven dinner, and started a clothing and food drive for the family.
  • The San Francisco non-profit Tipping Point just announced that they have started a 100 million dollar initiative to help with the homeless and poverty levels in the Bay area.
  • A non-profit of Toronto called the Institute for a Resource Based Economy works toward launching projects that challenge the current economic model with resource sharing initiatives. Their first project is a Tool Library,which is similar to the one I talked about a few episodes, back but they have also expanded and opened the Sharing Depot which provides any items people may need for events or parties or projects but don’t necessarily have the space or funds to buy.
  • An 18 year old boy invented a bra called “Eva” that could potentially detect breast cancer in it’s earliest stages!
  • James is from Pittsburgh, PA and the city is working towards creating affordable renovations and housing as the population within city hub expands and grows. This initiative will be working to keep lower incomes from being pushed out of their own city.  Also Jack Brambaugh is the city’s MVP volunteer!
  • In Animal Corner we learn about a small town that is painting rocks and hiding them around town to raise awareness for their animal center. And the dog friendly campus of American University, D.C. is bringing in audiences of dogs to help those who have fear of public speaking!