This week we’ve got comedian Natalie Benedict. You can see Natalie at the shows Parker Posey and Side Coach every fourth Wednesday of the month at UCB Sunset’s IS Stage. Natalie and Hannah sit down on her big red couch and talk about:
Chelsie Hill (25), a dedicated dancer who was in a car accident at 17 and paralyzed from the waist down. She hasn’t let her new life in a wheelchair stop her from doing what she loves and she started a wheelchair dance group called the Rollettes!
The Forgiveness Project and the F Word exhibit, a non-profit that aims to heal through forgiveness in order to stop the cycle of vengeance. The exhibit in the UK uses photographs and written word to feature incredible stories of hardship and overcoming anger through forgiving. The Forgiveness Project works with families and individuals who have been hurt by others, but they also have programs working with inmates who have committed crimes.
The GoFundMe of the week brings something we should all probably educate ourselves a little more on, (it’s obvious from how Hannah talks about it that she knows very little during the episode) which is the famine that is currently affecting Etheopia, specifically Ogadan. The Etheopian government is denying access to any NGO’s such as the Red Cross. The goal of this GoFundMe is to raise funds for the Somali’s living in the occupied Ogaden region of Ethiopia and partner with an independent government registered international NGO that can directly provide aid to the region while documenting and safeguarding the disbursement of aid. There are several gofundme’s out there that are raising money and awareness for the Ogadan famine, if you are not into this one just search Ogadan.
Natalies hometown news (San Jose) features an ice cream shop, Sweet Retreat, that is reopening after a recent fire (Natalie’s brother might have worked there we don’t know for sure) and a great non-profit called Midpen, which works to provide comfortable affordable housing and revive neighborhoods in the Bay Area.
Also if you are interested in getting tickets to The Ice Cream Museum which Hannah and Natalie sidetracked to at inappropriate times you can find them at
Animal Corner: There is a real life Pet Detective named Tom Watkins who has found over 2,000 pet’s to date. Also, cats really do care about your affection more than food, but they might still eat your face.
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