25. The Money Is In The Bugs With Jillian Dunn

Hello And Good News

This week’s comedic guest is the very funny and talented Jillian Dunn! (@hippiejill)  She performs at UCB with Parker Posey and Side Coach as well as the Pack Theater house sketch team Turncoat.

Hannah tells Jillian about hydropowered trains and fricken Elon Musk and his hyperloop plans.

They discuss a couple of octogenarians and life long bug hunters who recently donated their collection worth $10 million to ASU.

A homeless man named Victor was able to get back on his feet with the help of a woman who took the time to see him. He now has a facebook page that his community started for him. You have to check it out.

The GoFundMe of the week features another good news source! This kickstarter is creating a printed newspaper dedicated to bringing positive news to people’s doorsteps in the traditional way.

Jillian is from Flowood, Mississippi and the hometown news Hannah found for her features an 8 year old girl who has started a successful business and gives back to her community.

Animal Corner pulls at the heartstrings this week, and is about an Akita named Thor, whose owner passed away. Thor still walks the same loop the two used to walk together everyday by himself!