23. A Special “Good Newser” Episode Featuring Our Front Porch

Hello And Good News

A special “Good Newser” episode featuring Our Front Porch! Our Front Porch is a startup organization based out of Denver, Colorado and they provide long term support to families and individuals who are victims of disaster. The coolest thing about Our Front Porch is that they really are in it for the long haul. They help families relocate to affordable housing, they provide counseling and emotional support as well as community aspects, and their long term goal is to actually have a housing complex specifically for families recovering from disaster that will provide all of these things on site. So in this episode I am speaking to the founders of the company Maggie Babyak and Heather Korth and Social Media Director and volunteer, Erin Stotts. You can follow @OFP_Denver on twitter for all of their updates. Check out their website, http://ourfrontporchl3c.com/ for more information on their organization and partners, and if you are interested in donating or investing you can do so there.