22. If You’re Sad, Do a Thing! With Katy Karns

Hello And Good News

Katy Karns visits from Oakland, CA for a great episode. We talk about renewable energy and the slow crawl to save the environment. (Costa Rica is operating on 98% renewable energy!) The gofundme of the week is incredible, check out the facebook page and https://www.gofundme.com/AnaheimWhiteHouse. Katy is from Davis, CA and we talk about some great hometown news! Davis is completely pulling out of their city bank, Wells Fargo, as a protest to the Dakota Access pipeline! The animal news in the episode is also pretty great, it features a Viking funeral for two classroom goldfish. I loved this episode so much. Check out Katy on the instagram @askewed_view she has some great shows coming up. Women Getting Witty, March 24th and Comedy Chop April 21st, at the Purple Onion!