9. Erik Voss


Here it is! The sketch Instructor that shall not be named! He has been both a director and friend to Jeremiah and Ryan. He is a very talented writer, performer and improvisor that performs all over Los Angeles as well as festivals and theatres across the country.

Eric Voss is a part of the sketch team “It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way” as well as the Harold Team
“Wheelhouse” and the director of Dad Jeans at iO West. He is also a writer and host for the YouTube Channel, “New Rock Stars”.

You can watch Erik do sketch live here: http://ioimprov.com/west/shows/it-doesnt-have-to-be-this-way/
Or Improv Here: http://ioimprov.com/west/shows/wheelhouse/ And on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yRILFFJ2QZCykymr8LPwA