38. Jesse Klein talks about how to always have a sketch comedy pitch ready


We are lucky to have Jesse Klein, writer for the Pack house team Haymaker, with us today. Jesse talks with us about idea generation for sketch comedy and always being prepared with several pitches and sketch packets for every occasion. Another thing that Jesse shows us is a way in generate an infinite number of sketch comedy premises and honestly it’s pretty great. On the show we came up with over half of a dozen sketch premises in less than 5 minutes. The episode is worth the listen for that part alone.

Jesse has written on house teams DJ Faucet, Mr. Worm and others at iO West and is also a contributing writer for Prairie Home Companion. He has studied at The Upright Citizens Brigade, Groundlings, Second City, iO West and the Pack Theatre. He also on every podcast that has ever been made.

We also want to thank Josh Puterbaugh for letting us read their sketch this week.

Check out Haymaker HERE

Follow Jesse on Twitter HERE

Snd us your sketches to critique to foowpod@gmail.com

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