34. Brian James O’Connell, co-writer of “Blood Sucking Bastards”, joins us to help decipher if a sketch is meant for stage or screen.


Brian James O’Connell (better known as BOC) stopped by to talk to us about digital comedy and screenwriting. He broke down the process that his comedy team “Dr. God” goes through as they create films and digital sketch. They started as an improv team and then decided to take it to the next level.

BOC is also a co-founder of the Pack Theatre and the head of their digital program. He wants to make sure that everyone understands that if you can write and you look for the resources to create – you will be able to.

You can find Blood Sucking Bastards HERE

Check out The Pack Digital Program HERE

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Send us your sketches to critique at foowpod@gmail.com

Check out our 1st Fish Out Of Water Digital Sketch HERE