30. Charlie Mihelich talks about writing from a place of privilege


Charlie is a writer for the team “The Truce” and a host of the popular indie improv show “Purgatory” at the Clubhouse. He also hosts Catharsis: Dramatic Improv at UCB Sunset.

We delve into a deep conversation in this episode and It pops up fairly organically. Charlie brings up an interesting point that it’s easier for Straight White Males to find everything funny because of our place of privilege in society. It makes for an interesting discussion. We’d love to hear what everyone thinks. So chime in on twitter: @FoowPod

We also talk about Cartoons, what are some things that we feel might turn an audience off and how we can earn those balls.

You can also find tickets to see Chuck at iO West here: http://ioimprov.com/west/show/the-truce-da-vinci-3/
Follow him on Twitter here: @charlesmihelich

You can send your sketches for us to read and critique with our guests to foowpod@gmail.com