19. James Mastraieni


James Mastraieni is one of the most funny and arguably highest comedians in Los Angeles. You may know him from his successful live show and podcast “I’m Too Effing High” as well as long running improv show “Outside Dog Gets One Star”. He’s written all over the city with his writing partner Drew Difonzo Marks and also for the comedy powerhouse, Comedy Central. He coaches and teaches and performs and he’s also a super cool guy. So check him out whenever you have the chance.

Subscribe to his podcast, “I’m Too Effing High”: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/im-too-effing-high/id1152656464?mt=2
Get tickets to live version of the podcast: https://franklin.ucbtheatre.com/show/5509
Get tickets to Outside Dog: http://sunset.ucbtheatre.com/performance/52463
Follow him on Twitter: @Jmazz1111

Follow us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/fish-out-of-water-a-sketch-writing-podcast/id1171510236?mt=2

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