13. George Ouzounian

This week’s episode is a step away from the typical format. George isn’t a sketch comedian, he’s a New York Times best selling author, a satirist, and internet personality, known as Maddox. He is also the host of an extremely popular podcast, “The Best Debate In The Universe” with his co-host Rucka Rucka Ali. George also has a very popular website, “The Best Page In The Universe”.
George talks to us about his humble beginnings as a Math major at the University of Utah, through the
creation of his website, selling his first book, being on Penn and Teller ‘s show, “Bullshit!”, starting a very successful youtube channel and podcasting network, Madcast Media Network.
Hopefully, everyone can follow his bread crumbs and become a comedy writing thoroughbred of their own!
Here’s George’s website: http://maddox.xmission.com/
Madcast Media Network: http://madcastmedia.com/
5 second films: http://5secondfilms.com/