12. Patrick McDonald


Patrick McDonald joined Ryan (Jeremiah is still on hiatus in Paris) in the studio this week to talk about everything sketch comedy. Patrick is a writer on the Maude team “The Bus” and is also a writer and an
actor for the local traveling theatre ensemble known as “Story Pirates”.

Aside from being one of Los Angeles’ nicest citizens, Patrick is also one of the great improvisers. You may have seen performing around town with the the UCB Harold team “Knucklepuck” and popular indie teams like “The Dukes”.

This episode may as well have been a masters class for sketch writing and comedy philosophy. That’s kind of what you might expect from a guy that starting writing sketch at Emerson College and has written somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand sketches. That’s not a typo.

So get some coffee and a comfy blanket and snuggle up to this friendly episode of “Fish Out Of Water” and get ready to learn something.

Buy Tickets to see “The Bus” here: https://sunset.ucbtheatre.com/show/1684