Digimon with Will Choi! Plus Growing Up with Siblings, Writing Fan Fiction & SNL as a Gateway Drug for People in Comedy

Dumb Nerds

“Digimon”, short for “Digital Monsters” was an amazing Japanese media franchise that was very popular in the 90s and has been making a comeback with the film series “Digimon Tri”. The franchise consisted of virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films and a trading card care. Sound similar to “Pokemon”? It came out a couple years before “Pokemon” and the “Digimon” craze swept Cassi’s elementary school and guest Will Choi’s  (Asian AF, Drunk Monk & Korean Drama Podcasts) elementary and middle school as well. Will loved “Digimon” so much that he spent his middle school life writing “Digimon” fan fiction with two of his best friends. Cassi spent her 4th and 5th grade battling other kids on the playground with her “Digimon” virtual fighting pet! Will and Cassi bond over their love for “Digimon” and discover they had a very similar childhood with age differences in siblings, writing fan fiction and having “Saturday Night Live” inspire them to get into comedy. This a nostalgic conversation you won’t want to miss and perhaps you’ll discover/reawaken your love for Digital Monsters.