61. Animation & that Evil Magical Corporation with Michael Rosenbaum

Dumb Nerds

What goes into making the cartoons we grew up watching and continue to enjoy into adulthood? Guest Michael Rosenbaum (Socratica Kids) is super nerdy about animation and has been a good friend of host Cassi Jerkins for over 8 years. They bonded over performing improv and puppetry together. They now work together on the YouTube channel, Socratica Kids, that makes science videos for kids using puppets and animation. Michael has been drawing since he was a kid and now does animation. He goes into great detail about how he was drawn to cartoons as a kid to learning software like ToonBoom to animate himself. He also knows a lot about Disney, their animation department and how many animation companies like Pixar have exploded over the years to make great films we adore like “Toy Story” and more. Enjoy!