57. Will Hines & How Griffith Park is Named After a Man Who Attempted to Murder His Wife

Dumb Nerds

Did you know Griffith Park is named after a man who attempted to murder his wife? Like he shot her in the face, she lost her eye and he went to prison for only 2 years? Yep, that’s a thing that happened and comedian Will Hines (Screw it, We’re Going to Talk about Spiderman Podcast) comes on to talk about Griffith J Griffith! Griffith was a the very rich philanthropist who got his money from mining in the late 1800s and was considered a rockstar for his time. He seemed like he had it all together, then he tried to kill his wife, Mary Agnes Christina Mesmer. This dark topic gets Will and Cassi to talk about whether it’s ok that Griffith Park is still named after him along with whether it’s ok to enjoy things that were created or backed by bad people. It’s an interesting discussion with lots of twists and turns. Enjoy!