44. Salem Witch Trials, Teenage Voodoo & that Arthur Miller Play with Kelly McInerney

Dumb Nerds

Remember that time in history when people claimed women were witches and if they denied it, they were hung/burned at the stake? We do! Guest Kelly McInerney (IMDWeed Podcast) and Cassi talk about the history of the Salem Witch Trials and how it was just crazy! The things young girls do when they don’t have a high status in society or access to a smart phone. Cassi also provides most of her knowledge from Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible”. (She played Mary Warren!) Kelly and Cassi also talk about traveling to Salem today, teenage voodoo, Doug the Psychic, scary movies and the joy of having a Movie Pass. Enjoy!

Movie Pass, Witch’s Hazel, Voodoo, Book of Spells, Salem town & Musuem, Doug the Psychic, the Exorcism