40. Spooky Spooky Halloween History with Lucé Tomlin-Brenner

Dumb Nerds

Happy Halloween! This is a favorite holiday for many people and did you know it’s been around for over 2,000 years?! It began as an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The night before All Saint’s Day was believed when spirits could walk among us and All Hallow’s Eve was a tradition to honor those who have past so they wouldn’t get upset and take your soul! The wonderful Lucé Tomlin-Brenner is back and schools Cassi on the history of Halloween! Lucé also blows Cassi’s mind with stories of how people in Ohio celebrate Halloween verses the suburbs of San Diego. Real pumpkins patches, apple picking, apple cider slushes, poetry reading and more! What?! There’s so much to talk about and this could easily have been a 6 hour show but we give you this hits and will leave you appreciating this spooky holiday. Enjoy!