21. Sara Iyer & Bigfoot

Dumb Nerds

Bigfoot! We all know the legend but what about the facts? It’s 2017 and people still believe in Bigfoot. There’s even an active scientific research organization dedicated to exploring the bigfoot/sasquatch mystery. They’re known as the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. Today’s guest, Sara Iyer (The Purrrcast) comes on to share evidence behind why Bigfoot could exist. This includes Bigfoot sightings throughout the world including specific recent encounters, reasoning behind why it’s so hard to get good footage of Bigfoot (apparently they’re very cautious), all the way down to the belief that Bigfoot have a big old sweet tooth for Kit Kat Bars and cereal. It’s a great episode that will remind you fondly of the movie “Harry and the Hendersons”. Enjoy!