19. Cody Ziglar & Edgar Wright Films

Dumb Nerds

Shaun of the Dead. Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Hot Fuzz. These are some of the great, super fun films directed by Edgar Wright. Guest Cody Ziglar (UCB Podcast Producer, Host of “2nd Team” & “Blerds with Friends”) was inspired by Wright’s films and watched “Shaun of the Dead” over and over. Later in film school, he broke down a scene shot-for-shot as an assignment. Super nerdy! Zig and host Cassi Jerkins get into movies that inspired them to come out to LA to pursue their dreams. They get nerdy about famous shots from filmmakers like Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino and movies like “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Zig throws out some deep cuts that inspired Edgar Wright in his filmmaking. They also talk about the difference between great acting and mediocre. The actors who make you believe and feel something vs the actors that make you giggle because it’s so bad. This is a great episode that we hope inspires and invigorates you to go out there and keep pursuing your dreams!  And we give tips to help you pursue your goals in a relaxed, gracious state. Enjoy!